Basic Vim movements

These are pretty much the keys I use to move around in Vim (or Neovim).

hMove the cursor left.
jMove the cursor down.
kMove the cursor up.
lMove the cursor right.
ggGo to the first line of the document.
GGo to the last line of the document
ctrl + uMove the cursor and screen up 1/2 page.
ctrl + dMove the cursor and screen down 1/2 page.
zzCenter the cursor on the screen.
10kJump 10 lines up.
10jJump 10 lines down.
0Jump to the start of the line.
$Jump to the end of the line.
wJump forwards to the start of a word.
bJump backward to the start of a word.
fxJump to the next occurrence of character x.
FxJump to the previous occurrence of character x.






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