Tag: commands
Essential Tmux commands
Tmux is a terminal multiplexer and I can’t imagine working in a terminal without it. Here is a list of commands I most frequently use. Please note that the “prefix” will depend on your Tmux dotfiles (the default is ctrl+b). Command Explanation tmux ls List active sessions. tmux new -s example Create and connect to…
Useful Ansible commands
Table with Ansible commands I use often: Command Explanation $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i ~/inventory/production -e “target=host1” Run a playbook with some common options. $ ansible-vault encrypt_string ‘secret’ –name ‘foobar’ Encrypt a variable. $ ansible localhost -m debug -a var=’foobar’ -e ‘@inventory/group_vars/all/foobar.yml’ Decrypt a variable. $ ansible-inventory –list -i ./inventory/production Parse the inventory. $ ansible-galaxy collection…
Helpful Vim commands
Vim has a lot of built-in commands that are very helpful. The following table lists commands I tend to use often. However, this is not even the tip of the command iceberg Vim offers. Command Explanation :%s/foo/bar/g Replace all instances of “foo” with “bar”. :g/foobar/d Delete all lines containing “foobar”. d$ Delete the current line…